Monday, January 21, 2013

Celebrity Diet Weight Loss Success Stories

One great way for a diet program to promote their diet is using their client's success stories regarding weight loss. Before and after pictures are great visual effects. When watching television ads for diet programs like Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig you will often see the ads use before and after photos of their clients.

Another way that makes us want to give these diets a try is when they use celebrities to promote their products. Since celebrities are usually in the public eye you get to see them lose weight over time. Some celebrities' that come to mind are Kirstie Alley, Anna Nicole Smith, Dan Marino, and Oprah Winfrey.

Kristie Alley is advertising in commercials for Jenny Craig and is really starting to show her weight loss. Follow Kirstie Alley success online through her online weight loss journal. She even has her own blog that she posts to. Find out what Kirstie is up to and how she is doing on the Jenny Craig diet. Just do a search for "Kirstie Alley Blog" on one of the main search engines.

Anna Nicole Smith sure changed her figure while endorsing the TrimSpa product. I remember watching the Howard Stern Show awhile back and he was trying to get her to use this product. Looks like she decided to and became one oh their spokespersons. TrimSpa gained quite a bit of exposure by having Anna endorse this product. The current news on Anna is now she is pregnant. So I would say some weight gain is in her future.

Dan Marino is presently promoting the Men's Nutrisystem Diet Program and there is an upcoming contest starting in Sept. You will have the chance to win a Dan Marino jersey and a chance to win tickets to the big game. Start losing weight now. The contest will ask for before and after photos and your story regarding weight loss using Nutrisystem.

Oprah Winfrey lost weight with the help of Bob Greene. Now Oprah is trying to help people lose weight. She is calling the diet "Boot Camp". The Boot Camp diet gives advice on exercising, eating right, has discussion boards and much more...

We are bombarded with diet programs advertised on TV. Which one is right for you?

Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers...? Remember everyone is different and a diet that works for someone else may not be right for you. Work with your Doctor to help find the healthiest and safest diet for you. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

TK Healey chief editor for SurfTilYouDrop® a consumer based website focusing on As Seen On TV products. Tv product reviews, video clips and more visit! Check out the Nutrisystem Nourish Diet Program because the food is delivered in just the right portioned sizes and easy to prepare.
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